Lisa Squires, RN, BSN, CCRN, PHRN
Disclosures: Nothing to disclose - 01/06/2025

Lisa Squires is a Certified Holistic Nurse with certifications in aromatherapy, acupressure, yoga, pediatric and infant massage and trained in Reiki, Clinical Hypnosis, secular mindfulness and health coaching. She is a 25 year veteran of CHOP and began with the Integrative Health Team in 2017 as the program Nurse Coordinator. Prior to that she had a long career in Pediatric Critical Care Transport where she coordinated the orientation program. She is the co-author of the chapter on Pediatric and Neonatal Transport in the Air and Surface Transport Nurse’s Association Manual of Transport.

Lisa obtained her BSN from Johns Hopkins University and also holds a bachelor of arts from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Sociology and Anthropology. She is the mom of a college student and resides in Wallingford, PA- where she enjoys her cats and all things nature.